Volunteering in AEAI is a tremendous opportunity to serve Art Education and your fellow Art Educators and Teachers in Indiana. There are several levels of volunteering that are available!
SHORT TERM VOLUNTEERING: Giving of your time from just a couple of hours to several days a year is a great way to meet AEAI members and get a "taste" of what we do in our organization. Short term activities can provide our organization tremendous help in many of the events we do throughout the year. These include such activities as District or Division Workshops, the YAM celebration, Advocacy Day at the State House, or the annual Fall Convention. To volunteer for short term activities in AEAI, contact Teri Nagel .
LONG TERM VOLUNTEERING: The Executive Council is the governing body of AEAI and members typically serve 2 years or more. Each position on the board has responsibilities,which are outlined in the AEAI Constitution, Bylaws, and Operational Handbook. This document is available at: www.aeai.org/sitepage.asp. Many of the positions need to be filled through annual nominations procedures. Several, however, are appointed by the sitting President. If you have interest in becoming a member of the AEAI Executive Council, either through nominations or as an appointee, please contact Teresa Nagel.
For all other questions regarding volunteering in AEAI, contact: Sidney Allen.